2008 was an interesting fishing season for me, not in the quality or quantity of my fish catching powers (or lack there of this season), but for learning an entirely new area, and meeting some good people along the way. I tried to get out as much as possible between work deadlines and gigs, which resulted in some weekends spent working from my laptop in a hotel room. I always promise myself when I get out I will take pictures, but since I do 90 percent of my surf fishing at night and alone, sometimes these are hard to come by. Out of an entire season I only have a handful of pics this year. Here are a few from an afternoon of fishing in Montauk. Enjoy:Fisherman lounge around the light waiting for the fish to come in. I usually don't post pictures of an exact spot, but Montauk lighthouse is no secret (this picture is from a Monday afternoon).
Bass and blues soon push the beach and "combat" fishing takes over. Its quite a site to experience. 
After a few minutes of watching I took a 15-20 minute walk to beat the crowds. Here a handful of us have the fish to ourselves before the night tides roll in. I landed around 30-40 fish in 90 minutes before the sun went down on pencil poppers and bucktails. Largest bass was around 15-17 lbs, and the blues averaged 7-10 lbs. After a short break and bite to eat at the car, we slammed fish the rest of the night alone. 

Fish all night, sleep all day-or at least when you can. Here's to taking a nap on the beach after fishing the night tide:
Dan perched on a rock around 3:00 a.m like a champ... A few day's later he moved into a new home and job in Montana. Lucky guy: